Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Hobo, a Joshua Tree and the Salton Sea

By Jed Nielson

Wow, what a trip. Who could believe in the middle of the Mojave desert, that there are enormous pilings of rocks, crafted perfectly for rock climbing. It’s a bit of a drive (close to 7 hours from Vegas), but when you measure it against the fun factor there is no comparison.

Joshua Tree climbing is on piles of granite ranging from beginner to expert routes. The routes have a variety of features for climbers of all levels. At night you can hear the coyotes howling not 100 yards from your camp. Its an amazing place to take a 4-5 day vacation. From camp there are a whole assortment of walls to climb. You can climb in the morning, come back to camp, have some lunch, take a small nap (for “us” old people) and go climb later that night.

One thing I will warn you about are the climbing hobo’s. Do not allow a climbing bum to lead you into a cave in the middle of the night without a head lamp to “build trust“. Ha – thats horse manure.

Joshua Tree was one of the funnest climbing trips I’ve ever been on. Take fun people with you to make this an amazing trip.

Difficulty: Most routes are “trad” climbing, so bring gear. Many routes are mixed rad/bolts with healthy runnouts. Few routes have chain anchors.

Location: South eastern California, 2.5 hours east of Los Angeles. 4 hours south of Vegas, near Yucca Valley and the Salton Sea.

Camping: There are several campgrounds. Hidden Valley is the preferred climbers campground with Ryan and Jumbo close seconds. Camping is first come first serve. We camped at Ryan Camp Ground, which was amazing. Your secluded from other camp grounds but not from your neighbors.

Hotel Accommodations: Joshua Tree, Yucca Valley, Twentynine Palms. OR A TENT!!

Gas & Groceries: Joshua Tree, Yucca Valley, Twentynine Palms. It’s a 45 minute drive into town, so best to bring everything in coolers and such.

Dining: Joshua Tree, Yucca Valley, Twentynine Palms. There’s a great little Mexican Place in Yucca Valley called LAS PALMAS MEXICAN, they have a tasty cold green salsa.

Other Activities/ Attractions: Hiking trails and thing in town. Its a Desert, there ain’t much. If you have the time I recommend that you travel down to the Salton Sea to watch the sunset. Gorgeous!

Recommended Guidebooks: Rock Climbing Joshua Tree by Randy Vogel, available at the Maple Leaf Climbing Shop.

Other Resources: Google Joshua Tree rock climbing.

From the editor: Jed is currently advocating that George Strait be put on American paper currency, after all, he’s done a lot for us American’s.

A fine Christian boy with no affinity for such things, Jed swears that public affection, an unkempt climbing hobo, a six inch torch of perfect Venezuelan mota, an armed park ranger and running scared through the Mojave desert had absolutely nothing to do with his stay at Joshua Tree.

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